
The most common questions

What is Athens Bar Show?
When does the Athens Bar Show takes place?
What are the operating hours of the Athens Bar Show?
Who can attend?
Who organizes Athens Bar Show?
When are the masterclasses and seminars held?
Is there an extra cost to attend the seminars?
In which language are the seminars conducted?
Where can I find more information about the seminars & masterclasses?
How do I enter the Athens Bar Show?
Entering the exhibition, what do I have access to?
Where can I buy tickets?
Is the exhibition accessible to people with disabilities?
What ticket options are available?
Who is eligible to access the exhibition?
How can I participate as an exhibitor?
How can I conduct a seminar?
How do I get my badge?
Access for exhibitors personnel NOT workn at the exhibition
Exhibitors' badges categorization
What is Exhibitor's badge?
What is Representative's badge?
What is Staff badge?
What is Guest Speaker's badge?